Re: [Sound Discussion](/topic/5930/sound-discussion)

I am guessing that audio input channel assignment is on the to do list for development. I am trying a few things with audio in Isadora 3.0.8 and wanted to check if there are any workarounds for frequency or audio channel assignment and analysis.

I had the thought to attempt to implement a series of 'click tracks' for audio interactivity. This thought involved the export of separate sound layers from a DAW project file to a series of instrument tracks for analysis in Isadora. The tracks are triggered concurrently to then mix using the new audio output channel assignment in the Sound Player - all good so far. 

In terms of assigning input channels for analysis e.g. Sound Frequency Watcher, it appears to get a lot more limited.

I could see multiple tracks of loopback input from a multichannel audio device but only within a single Isadora Live Capture Setting input channel assignment with no way of analysing the multi-tracks individually. 

I was able to implement one click track at a time using AUAudioFIlePlayer routing to AuAudioDeviceOutput with a loopback while other instrument tracks were routed to the new audio interface output. Without the Au plugins I could not see a way to route a loopback input with the new Sound Player. I think moving forward I would want to see an option for the SoundPlayer to select an output so that its audio could be used for loopback.

There may be other ways of doing this that I am missing?

Best Wishes
